NETWORK_PASSPHRASE = "Public Global Stellar Network ; September 2015" ACCOUNTS = [ "GAVBS6SXMRD7C3IRN5K2SY5C2CAUFHBVOGWTQXADSBUHAFDDUKVTQWWY", "GCBPMB2VK3POXU3QL2IPOUYKEDNZYRCYPFQGLLYVX6D2OLLRO7SWTTBO", "GADFXROGGR74V3MSWU2SUKCEUPQFZEIIF3IUHLRN3NKZ4JN2IPBMCODA", "GD7G6G56JHGQ3LY37ZYHALJRSAJYXWMYMKAF5G2GBXD5ETRPY4U5XS33", "GA3UK3JHOYYD3TAUH5C7NDOUDWBRF5FC4MECXFA2VRPEHIDQUOJIVOAJ", "GDGTVWSM4MGS4T7Z6W4RPWOCHE2I6RDFCIFZGS3DOA63LWQTRNZNTTFF", "GDYQNEF2UWTK4L6HITMT53MZ6F5QWO3Q4UVE6SCGC4OMEQIZQQDERQFD", "GARDNV3Q7YGT4AKSDF25LT32YSCCW4EV22Y2TV3I2PU2MMXJTEDL5T55", "GBUVRNH4RW4VLHP4C5MOF46RRIRZLAVHYGX45MVSTKA2F6TMR7E7L6NW", "GDVKAVKZDKMLPEXXFXPVKARRO4BNFJXRRPKENEDERK5PBYIWCJ2GQOOF", "GANESLOXBZWPLB5ZM2KFUTBGSBGISB7JTWFXO67G4TGQINWRMI6766GV",] TRANSFER_SERVER = "" TRANSFER_SERVER_SEP0024 = "" WEB_AUTH_ENDPOINT = "" SIGNING_KEY = "GA3UK3JHOYYD3TAUH5C7NDOUDWBRF5FC4MECXFA2VRPEHIDQUOJIVOAJ" VERSION = "2.2.0" [[CURRENCIES]] code = "yUSDC" issuer = "GDGTVWSM4MGS4T7Z6W4RPWOCHE2I6RDFCIFZGS3DOA63LWQTRNZNTTFF" image = "" desc = "yUSDC is an interest earning USDC tethered token. Earn interest on your USDC by holding yUSDC. yUSDC are liquid tokens that you can trade, redeem or send at any time. 1 yUSDC is always redeemable for 1 USDC through Ultra Stellar anchor. SDEX trading is live on yUSDC/USDC pair." conditions = "The interest share is distributed daily to yUSDC holders. The APY rates are published at and may change depending on market conditions." redemption_instructions = "Redeemable through any SEP-24 compliant Stellar wallet such as LOBSTR, StellarTerm or StellarX." is_asset_anchored = true anchor_asset_type = "crypto" anchor_asset = "USDC" status = "live" [[CURRENCIES]] code = "yXLM" issuer = "GARDNV3Q7YGT4AKSDF25LT32YSCCW4EV22Y2TV3I2PU2MMXJTEDL5T55" image = "" desc = "yXLM is an interest earning XLM tethered token. Earn interest on your XLM by holding yXLM. yXLM are liquid tokens that you can trade, redeem or send at any time. 1 yXLM is always redeemable for 1 XLM through Ultra Stellar anchor." conditions = "The interest share is distributed daily to yXLM holders. The APY rates are published at and may change depending on market conditions." redemption_instructions = "Redeemable through any SEP-24 compliant Stellar wallet such as LOBSTR, StellarTerm or StellarX." is_asset_anchored = true anchor_asset_type = "crypto" anchor_asset = "XLM" status = "live" [[CURRENCIES]] code = "yETH" issuer = "GDYQNEF2UWTK4L6HITMT53MZ6F5QWO3Q4UVE6SCGC4OMEQIZQQDERQFD" image = "" desc = "yETH is an interest earning ETH tethered token. Earn interest on your ETH by holding yETH. yETH are liquid tokens that you can trade, redeem or send at any time. 1 yETH is always redeemable for 1 ETH through Ultra Stellar anchor. SDEX trading is live on yETH/ETH ( pair." conditions = "The interest share is distributed daily to yETH holders. The APY rates are published at and may change depending on market conditions." redemption_instructions = "Redeemable through any SEP-24 compliant Stellar wallet such as LOBSTR, StellarTerm or StellarX." is_asset_anchored = true anchor_asset_type = "crypto" anchor_asset = "ETH" status = "live" [[CURRENCIES]] code = "yBTC" issuer = "GBUVRNH4RW4VLHP4C5MOF46RRIRZLAVHYGX45MVSTKA2F6TMR7E7L6NW" image = "" desc = "yBTC is an interest earning BTC tethered token. Earn interest on your BTC by holding yBTC. yBTC are liquid tokens that you can trade, redeem or send at any time. 1 yBTC is always redeemable for 1 BTC through Ultra Stellar anchor. SDEX trading is live on yBTC/BTC ( pair." conditions = "The interest share is distributed daily to yBTC holders. The APY rates are published at and may change depending on market conditions." redemption_instructions = "Redeemable through any SEP-24 compliant Stellar wallet such as LOBSTR, StellarTerm or StellarX." is_asset_anchored = true anchor_asset_type = "crypto" anchor_asset = "BTC" status = "live" [[CURRENCIES]] code = "ETH" issuer = "GBFXOHVAS43OIWNIO7XLRJAHT3BICFEIKOJLZVXNT572MISM4CMGSOCC" image = "" desc = "This is a tethered ETH token issued by Ultra Stellar. For each ETH in circulation on Stellar, Ultra Stellar holds the same amount of Ether in reserves. SDEX trading is live on ETH/USDC pair." conditions = "To get a 1:1 conversion between ETH on Stellar and native Ether use Deposit / Withdraw functionality supported in most Stellar wallets." redemption_instructions = "Redeemable through any SEP-24 compliant Stellar wallet such as LOBSTR, StellarTerm or StellarX." is_asset_anchored = true anchor_asset_type = "crypto" anchor_asset = "ETH" status = "live" [[CURRENCIES]] code = "BTC" issuer = "GDPJALI4AZKUU2W426U5WKMAT6CN3AJRPIIRYR2YM54TL2GDWO5O2MZM" image = "" desc = "This is a tethered BTC token issued by Ultra Stellar. For each BTC in circulation on Stellar, Ultra Stellar holds the same amount of Bitcoin in reserves. SDEX trading is live on BTC/USDC pair." conditions = "To get a 1:1 conversion between BTC on Stellar and native Bitcoin use Deposit / Withdraw functionality supported in most Stellar wallets." redemption_instructions = "Redeemable through any SEP-24 compliant Stellar wallet such as LOBSTR, StellarTerm or StellarX." is_asset_anchored = true anchor_asset_type = "crypto" anchor_asset = "BTC" status = "live" [DOCUMENTATION] ORG_NAME = "Ultra Stellar LLC" ORG_DBA = "Ultra Stellar" ORG_URL = "" ORG_LOGO = "" ORG_OFFICIAL_EMAIL = "" ORG_SUPPORT_EMAIL = ""